Fall 2012 Rockefeller Center Newsletter

Vol. 18, No. 2 -- Fall 2012

The Rockefeller Center electronic newsletter is published at the beginning of each term, and is a summary of news and notes.

Ester Cross '15 with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) after a luncheon at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, 9/4/12.  Ester covered both the Republican and Democratic Conventions for the Center, as well as the Talk Radio News Service online publication.  More info below.

"[The Rockefeller Center's] core strength is our ability to integrate a student’s in- and out-of-classroom experience, to further Dartmouth’s liberal arts mission by engaging students in public policy and developing their capacity for leadership." 

In his Fall 2012 Direct Line, Rockefeller Center Director Andrew Samwick shares thoughts on the impact of political gridlock and the ability of our elected officials to make progress on public policy challenges.  "As a nation, we tend to rally around any viable incumbent, but the rhetoric of the Presidential campaign tends to ignore the very real fact that the President can only pass legislation if the Congress sends it to him first."
Leading up to the 2012 Presidential Election, the Republicans and Democrats recently held national conventions.  The Center supported Dartmouth sophomore Ester Cross '15 to attend both events and contribute a "Rocky On The Road" blog series.  Read her final reflections about that transformative experience, and related piece on Dartmouth Now.  Photos and a few video clips from Ester can also be found on the Rocky Facebook page.

What you might have missed during Spring/Summer 2012:
  • Wills Begor '12, participant of several Rocky programs - including Rockefeller Leadership Fellows, was recognized as one of four valedictorians.  Several other students with a Rockefeller Center affiliation were selected by peers as Student Marshals, or by Dartmouth faculty and staff to receive a Dean's Award or Class Day Prize.
  • The Policy Research Shop briefed the Governor of the State of New Hampshire, John Lynch, and others in the NH Department of Safety about “Performance Measurement for State Governmental Agencies: Comparative Case Studies.”  Read more about the experience, and resulting news coverage.
  • Spring programs related to law and a summer program developed and implemented by the First-Year Fellows in the Class of 2014 with Micheal Ellsberg were among the well-received events hosted by the Center. Watch video of these, and other programs, on our YouTube channel or from our listing within iTunesU Dartmouth.

What to look forward to during the Fall 2012 Term:

  • Professor Charlie Wheelan '88 offers PBPL 20.  Several exciting guest speakers will be visiting the class to discuss timely topics in Contemporary American Politics and Policy.  Read more...
  • Upcoming Public Programs this fall include the Constitution Day talk by former US Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) about "The Role of the Senate" on Monday, September 17th at 4:30 PM in Silsby 28.  Campaign and election related programming also includes two shows at the Hopkins Center by The Capitol Steps, and a post-election panel.  See the full list of Fall 2012 public programs here, and on the Rocky Calendar.
Last call for votes for our Summer Intern Photo Contest! The photo with the most Facebook "likes" will be the next Rocky cover photo; the student who submitted it will receive $100!  Prizes to additional students as well. Click on photo above.
  • Rockefeller Center continues to offer Student Workshops - stand-alone opportunities to enhance skills, explore career opportunities, and meet special guests.  No application or long-term commitment is required!  Students can review current options on the Rocky Calendar and sign up to attend on our Eventbrite page.
  • Go beyond the bio to learn more about the staff, faculty, students and alumni of the Rockefeller Center.  Read more...
  • Subscribe to Rockefeller Center digital news - we now use MailChimp, and want to be sure you receive only the information you will find most valuable.

Upcoming Deadlines:

  • NEW this year - Rockefeller Center Mini-Grants for students and student organizations!  Application deadlines every two weeks, starting on September 30, 2012. Funding award selections made by Rockefeller Center student leaders.

Did you know that the Rockefeller Center is active on Facebook?  Some content, such as media mentions, Flashback Friday photographs and event listings, are found exclusively on our Facebook page.  We can also be found on Twitter, and posting photos to Flickr Connect with us, and invite your friends!

We view the growth of our curricular and co-curricular programs as critical ways we support Dartmouth’s mission to educate the most promising students and prepare them for a lifetime of learning and responsible leadership.  The programs and events the Rockefeller Center offers are made possible through the generosity of those who believe that we can make a difference.  Consider making a tax-deductible gift to the support the work of the Rockefeller Center using this formYour participation and generosity are greatly appreciated.
Visit the Rockefeller Center Web Site at http://rockefeller.dartmouth.edu