PRS Students Present Analysis of #NH Commerce Clause to the NH House Committee

On Tuesday, May 28, 2013, three students from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Policy Research Shop at Dartmouth College traveled to Concord, NH to present a report to members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.  Earlier in the academic year, State Representative Carol McGuire (R, Merrimack) requested an analysis of Chapter 339 of New Hampshire’s Commerce Clause, targeting statutes that were out of date. 

PRS students Sasha Dudding ’15, Carolyn Gaut ’15, and Hugh Danilack ’15 Pose with State Representative Carol McGuire and Chairman Ed Butler.

The three PRS students, Hugh Danilack ’15, Sasha Dudding ’15, and Carolyn Gaut ’15 presented their findings to Chairman Ed Butler (D, Carroll) and other members of the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee.  They shared a PowerPoint presentation summarizing their findings from a rigorous  analysis of each statute in the Commerce Clause dating back to 1870.  The students then responded to questions from committee members. The written report, co-authored by Danilack, Dudding, and Gaut, as well as Michael Berger ’14 and Ester Cross ’15 was distributed to the members of the committee.  The research may inform future legislation that would shape the contours of New Hampshire’s regulation of commerce.

The Policy Research Shop is supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) program. To learn more about PRS, click here.