Michael Dicostanzo

Representative Alex Mooney (R-WV)

Michael DiCostanzo '27 is from Rye, New York and graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall in 2023. At Choate, Michael served as President of Young Republicans and as a Vice Captain of the parliamentary debate team. Over consecutive summers, Michael interned in the U.S. House of Representatives and for the Ohio Republican Party. Michael also volunteered for the Madison Coalition – a group lobbying to pass a constitutional amendment to keep nine justices in the U.S. Supreme Court. Since arriving at Dartmouth, Michael has become an Associate Editor for The Dartmouth Review and has co-founded a student chapter of the Federalist Society. Michael hopes to pursue a major in Government at Dartmouth; after college, he plans to attend law school with the goal of becoming a federal prosecutor and judge.


HB Hinman Box 1157