Nicolás Macri

Rockefeller Leadership Fellow

Nicolás Macri is a democracy advocate, victorious campaign manager, social sciences researcher, town government official, LGBT+ community advocate, experienced multi-sector chief administrator, housing, transit, walkability, and bikeability advocate, social media personality, and undergraduate student at Dartmouth College. Interested in government, Nico focuses on voting rights, gerrymandering prevention, election law, community development, housing abundance, and active transportation. Engaged in Hanover, NH politics, Nico has led multiple campaigns, turning out thousands of voters, electing Jennie Chamberlain to the Selectboard, serving on town government committees, and enacting zoning law reforms. Leading in Sophomore Trips, the Disco Troll team of the Ultimate Frisbee program, Film Society, the Rockefeller Global Leadership Program, Glee Club, and the LGBTQIA+ community club Within, the "real Nico" also enjoys comedic attempts as an element of mock public image branding, employing satire in his choral, musical theater, and social media bios to exemplify "personality" and "humor", which he assures to all is deeply successful.


+1 (603) 646-7139