Cheating to the Test: CSPC Fellow, Jeremy Kaufmann, Analyzes K-12 Testing Integrity, Will Present Findings at Conference in Washington, DC
On Tuesday, March 6, 2012, three Dartmouth students, Stephen Prager ’14, Manav Raj ’15, and Joseph Singh ’14, from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center Policy Research Shop, traveled to the New Hampshire House of Representatives in Concord to testify before a special session of the House Committee on Election Law at the request of Chairman David Bates.
[more]Policy Research Shop students, Mike Danaher ’13, Amy Couture ’14, and Tina Meng ‘14, present the findings of their research on performance assessment to a team from the New Hampshire Department of Safety, on Thursday, March 8, 2012.
[more]PRS Students Present Research to the New Hampshire Department of Safety
[more]Read a student's account of our most recent session in our Management Leadership and Development program below. For more information, about MLDP, click here.