Greg Garre '87 and Neal Katyal '91 Unpack the High Court
November 3, 2021
At Dartmouth, the past solicitors general share insights on the U.S. Supreme Court.
[more]At Dartmouth, the past solicitors general share insights on the U.S. Supreme Court.
[more]On Thursday, October 28, Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court, Tina Nadeau, visited Professor Ron Shaiko’s PBPL 45: Introduction to Public Policy Research class, and spoke about the relationships between the judicial branch and the legislative and executive branches in New Hamsphire.
[more]Video of 638704359
[more]On Wednesday, October 13th, 2021, Sven Steinmo, a professor of political science at the University of Colorado, Boulder, discussed the implications of his research where he conducted a series of cross-national experiments on how institutions shape individuals’ behaviors.