Prof. Donna Coch Presents Research on "The Rhyming Brain in Beginning Readers"
On November 16th, MLDP welcomed Marty Jacobs '82 as she lead her session titled "Turning Dreams Into Reality: The Power of Strategic Planning and Systems Thinking." Marty Jacobs, president of Systems In Sync, has been teaching and consulting for almost twenty years, applying a systems thinking approach to organizations.
[more]A student directed presentation, led by Fabeah Adu-Oppong, kicked off the evening on Thursday, November 11th by educating Rockefeller Leadership Fellows about noted education reform leader Marian Wright Edelman. The session then switched focus to a conversation via Skype with two young Dartmouth alums - Ariel Stern '05 and Oyebola Olabisi '06 - on graduate school options after Dartmouth and how to pick a program that matches ones interests and career objectives. Then Professor of Sociology John Campbell took the floor for a presentation entitled: Careers and Networking: The Streng
[more]Excel is one of several optional sessions offered through the Rockefeller Center Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) each fall, winter and spring term. On November 6, 2010 members of MLDP and various other Rockefeller student programs came together to learn how to use Excel effectively. The session was lead by two Dartmouth alums, Natalya Shulga a Dartmouth '07 and Tom DeFalco a Dartmouth '09, both of which currently work at the Parthenon Group Consulting Firm in Boston.
[more]The Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) welcomed Professor John Garvey in a session titled Negotiation: You CAN Get There from Here on November 9, 2010. Professor Garvey is the Director of the Daniel Webster Scholar Honors Program at the UNH School of Law in Concord, New Hampshire.