Former U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H. on Leadership
"Strong individual leadership that understands that we as a nation were built on the concept of taking on big issues, reaching solutions that are bipartisan."
[more]"Strong individual leadership that understands that we as a nation were built on the concept of taking on big issues, reaching solutions that are bipartisan."
[more]On Wednesday, April 13, former New Hampshire secretary of state Bill Gardner came to campus to deliver the 2022 Perkins Bass Distinguished Lecture.
[more]The longtime protector of the N.H. primary named Perkins Bass Distinguished Visitor.
[more]On Thursday, October 28, Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court, Tina Nadeau, visited Professor Ron Shaiko’s PBPL 45: Introduction to Public Policy Research class, and spoke about the relationships between the judicial branch and the legislative and executive branches in New Hamsphire.
[more]Dr. Mark W. Huddleston, whose decades-long career in higher education has culminated in a tenure as the longest-running President of the University of New Hampshire, has been selected as the 2020 Perkins Bass Distinguished Visitor for the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy. Huddleston began his time in higher education as a faculty member at SUNY Buffalo and the University of Delaware before serving as the Dean of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences at the University of Delaware, and later as the President of Ohio Wesleyan University and UNH.